Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today in my cake decorating class, I decorated a cake and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It's a lot better than the one I made last week! I just thought I would post both pictures so you guys can see the difference! :)



Mandy said...

It's so beautiful you can't eat it now!

Carissa May said...

Is that a real cake? do you always practice on real cakes? Who bakes the cakes? That's a lot of cakes! Is it good cake?

Becca Jane said...

yes that is real cake! and sometimes we practice on cake boards. and i baked the cake, we always bake our own. it was a yellow cake and i guess it was good, even though i prefer white cake.

Carissa May said...

Will you make my birthday cake?

Carissa May said...

do you ever get to do fondant?

Carissa May said...

Will you ever answer my questions?

Becca Jane said...

haha sure i will make your birthday cake! what kind do you want? and yes, the next project we do is a fondant cake.

Carissa May said...

I want a yellow cake. And I want vanilla frosting. And I want it to be pretty with "Happy Birthday, Carissa!" written on it in cute handwriting. Okay?