Wednesday, May 19, 2010

pictures for mom

Just a few pictures of the rolls and breadsticks I made, along with the enchiladas my roommate and I made. I tried to live up to the standard my mom has set, but I didn't quite make it... I came really close though. :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I give myself a capital F for Failure

So... I decided that I'm just not a blogger. I gave up on my blog about 3 months ago. But then, tonight, Carissa made me read her blog and it made me want to be the kind of person that blogs. (Thank you Carissa.) I think the problem is that:

1) I hate the background of my blog. And I'm sure it would be simple to get a new one, but honestly, that takes too much effort.

2) I have nothing to write about. Sometimes, during the day, I have moments when I think, "Hey! This would be great to write about in my blog!" But by the time I get home and sit down to write about it, I either have no idea what was so great about the moment, or I completely forget what the moment was.

3) I hate writing. I love to read... especially other people's blogs. But it honestly takes all my will-power to write something of worth. This is why I am a math major, and not an english major.

4) I get distracted easily. During this post alone, I have done 3 math problems, texted Carissa, set up my cat on a date with my roommate's cat, and daydreamed about Nick Jonas (not really). So by the time I get ready to hit "publish post," it just doesn't seem like a good idea anymore.

So anyway, these are all the reasons I am a failure.